Supporting the Provision of AI Chatbot for Sapporo Autumn Festival by Our Japanese Partner
Enabling 24/7 Service with SmartRobot
September 12, 2023
Intumit, Inc.
Intumit is pleased to announce its collaboration with ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation (CTC), its Japanese partner, in developing a chatbot service integrated with Generative AI to be deployed during the “2023 Sapporo Autumn Festival” (Hosted by: Sapporo Autumn Festival Executive Committee, Secretariat: Sapporo Tourism Association) scheduled from September 8, 2023. This chatbot will provide automated responses to inquiries about restaurant sales information and event details.
The AI chatbot being provided on this occasion is powered by Intumit SmartRobot and integrates with the Generative AI service “Azure OpenAI” offered by Microsoft, enabling natural and seamless responses. It enhances customer satisfaction through smooth guidance to restaurants and streamlines chatbot operations through functions such as FAQ responses and automatic learning data generation.
CTC offers comprehensive services, including sales, deployment, configuration, and operation support for SmartRobot. Furthermore, SmartRobot finds broad usage not only in local governments but also in various sectors, including finance and insurance, retail and distribution, transportation and logistics, tourism, public utilities, technology, and manufacturing industries. It promotes companies’ Digital Transformation (DX) through various applications utilizing Conversational AI.
■About ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation (CTC):
ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation (CTC), established in 1972, is a comprehensive IT services company in Japan. From consulting to design, development, construction, operation, and maintenance support, CTC provides solutions based on advanced technology, combining cloud services and products to contribute to customers’ digital transformation (DX) and address societal challenges.
For more information, please refer to the partner’s press release via the following link:
■CTC Press Release:
Providing a Chatbot Collaborated with Generative AI for the 2023 Sapporo Autumn Fest
※Azure is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
※All company names and trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners.
※The information provided is current as of the publication date and may be subject to change.
今回提供されるAIチャットボットは、Intumitの「SmartRobot」で、マイクロソフトが提供する生成系AIサービス「Azure OpenAI」と連携しており、自然な応答が可能です。飲食店へのスムーズな誘導でお客様の満足度向上と、FAQや学習データの自動生成などでチャットボットの運用の効率化を実現しています。
※Azureは、米国 Microsoft Corporationの米国およびその他の国における登録商標または商標です。