幫台積電做AI智慧助理!除了對話機器人,AI還能怎麼進化?Intumit 2大策略分析
Intumit SmartRobot 憑藉我們在企業級對話式 AI 領域 20 多年的經驗,幫助台積電在 Microsoft Teams 上自動執行許多繁瑣的人力資源任務。
Intumit SmartRobot has helped TSMC by automating many tedious HR tasks on top of Microsoft Teams with our over 20 years experience in enterprise level conversational AI. Leveraging Generative AI (GAI), transfer learning, communication channels, and LLM; Intumit is continuously reshaping the future of AI Chatbots.
Source: https://www.bnext.com.tw/article/76443/intumit-ai-chatbot-tsmc