Conversational AI Leader – Intumit, Inc. Listed on the Emerging Market from February 3

The publicly traded company Intumit Inc. (stock code 7547), founded on May 24, 1999, was listed on the Emerging Stock Market (GEM) on February 3rd this year at a price of NT$30 per share. It has become a pioneer in the software and AI sector on the GEM.

As a pioneer in software development with Artificial Intelligence (AI), the public company Intumit, Inc. (Stock Code 7547) was listed on the emerging market from February 3, 2021. Intumit focuses on Conversational AI technologies for enterprise Digital Transformation (DX) solutions. Intumit has a leading market share for enterprise Intelligent Virtual Assistant market in Taiwan, and customers ranging from Finance, Government, Retail, Telecommunications, Technology, Manufacturing and many other vertical industries. Intumit cooperates with Microsoft, Google, Adobe, NVIDIA, LINE, Box and other global software/hardware giants to realize different vertical application scenarios for various sectors. With hundreds of success cases and customer stories, Intumit has become the best partner for those global giants and fulfill the “last mile delivery” requirements of enterprises AI application.

The current capital of Intumit is NTD 256 million, with nearly 25% comes from foreign investments by overseas strategic partners. In 2019, the revenue was NTD 153 million with EPS of NTD 0.84; and the unaudited revenue of 2020 was NTD 164 million, which shows Intumit kept the growth momentum under the impact of the global pandemic last year. As one of the few IT companies with the capability to enter the Japanese enterprise market, Intumit has provided various Conversational AI services to many well-known Japanese branded customers successfully and demonstrated the international competitiveness for its technologies and services. In the past two years, the revenue came from overseas market has grown significantly to over 20%. Currently, Intumit is actively cooperating with overseas strategic partners to expand its global market in ASEAN, Europe, and USA to continue driving its long-term horizontal growth forward.

Intumit has deeply engaged in the field of Cross-Language Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Conversational AI for a long time. Experts in Deep Learning models, Intumit enables software platforms to effectively manage complex and unstructured big data for enterprise and incorporate the data into specific knowledge bases, which derive variety of innovative applications and services to assist enterprises for their Digital Transformation (DX). Intumit’s application scope for intelligent customer service can cover from service industry and extend to marketing, procurement, human resource management, research and development, and information management sectors of various industries. The deepening of the vertical application in the field of enterprises internal and external operations will also create an engine for Intumit’s long-term vertical growth.

Over the years, Intumit has won a number of domestic and foreign awards for its products and innovations. In 2017, Intumit became the only Taiwan company to be nominated by Gartner as the “Cool Vendors in Analytics in Greater China,” highlighting the strong innovative capabilities of Intumit. In addition, Intumit has won the Top Valuable ISV Partner award from Microsoft for many years since 2017 and became the only independent software developer in Asia to be invited to join Microsoft’s global AI Inner Circle Partner Program that demonstrates the strong technical strength of Intumit. With work pattern changes driven by the impact of the pandemic, the urgency of Enterprise-Level Digital Transformation is accelerating in a rapid pace. Following the increasing acceptance of enterprise cloud applications and the gradual popularization of 5G networks being deployed, natural language applications and Conversational AI market is swiftly growing. As a leading supplier in the Asia-Pacific region in this field, the huge growth potential behind is highly expected as Intumit continues to pave the wave for Digital Transformation.

2021年2月3日 対話型AI先進企業IntumitがESB初登録

Intumit(股)公司[証券コード:7547]は1999年5月24日に設立されて以来、2021年2月3日ESBへ初めて登録されました。Intumitは対話型人工知能(Conversational AI)をコア技術として、企業デジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)向けのアプリケーションやサービスツールを主に提供しています。台湾のVCA市場でトップのシェアを有しており、金融業、公共機関、小売業、通信業、製造業やテクノロジー分野など産業問わず顧客を抱えています。IntumitはMicrosoft、Google、Adobe、NVIDIA、LINEなど国際的な企業と連携して、世界に広く展開しているさまざまな分野の企業からの要望に応えるため、「ラストマイルデリバリー(The Last Mile Delivery)」として、最良なソリューションを提供しています。


Intumitはクロスランゲージ(Cross Language)に対応した自然言語処理(NLP)と対話型AIの分野において長年研究・開発を進めています。ディープラーニングのモデルを利用したアプリケーションでは、企業が扱う複雑で構造化されていないビックデータを、より扱いやすい企業独自の知識データベースとして構築できます。さらに企業のDXを支援するため、AIカスタマーサービスをはじめ、マーケティング、調達、人事、研究開発、IT管理などさまざまな分野の企業内外での業務に、効果的なソリューションを提供しています。

Intumitは長年にわたる製品の研究開発において評価され、国内外にて数多く受賞しています。2017年にはGartnerから台湾唯一の企業として「Cool Vendors in Analytics, Greater China」にノミネートされました。Microsoft社からは、2017年以来連続でTop Valuable ISV Partner賞を受賞し、世界的なパートナープログラムであるMicrosoft AI Inner Circleに招待されました。独立系ソフトウェア開発者(ISV)として、アジアで類を見ない技術力を認められたと自負しています。



公開發行公司Intumit(股)公司(股票代碼7547),創立於1999年5月24日,已於今年2月3日以每股30元登錄興櫃市場,成為軟體及AI人工智能類股的興櫃尖兵!Intumit專注於企業數位轉型之應用軟體開發與系統工具服務,以對話式人工智慧(Conversational AI)技術為核心,為目前台灣智能客服應用市場中市佔率第一的廠商,客戶遍及金融、政府、零售、電信、科技、製造等各垂直產業領域,並與國際大廠如Microsoft、Google、Adobe、NVIDIA、LINE、Box等軟硬體巨擘合作,滿足不同產業企業的垂直需求,Intumit也成為國際大廠滿足企業「最後一哩路」(the last mile delivery)落地應用需求的最佳夥伴。

Intumit目前資本額為新台幣2.56億元,其外資比重約25%,為來自長期合作的海外策略夥伴持股。2019年營收1.53億元,EPS 0.84元。2020年截至12月之自結營收1.64億元。去年營運雖受到全球疫情的干擾,但仍持續維持成長的態勢。Intumit為國內同業少數攻入日本大型企業市場之資訊公司,已成功地為日本眾多知名品牌客戶提供各種對話式AI服務,顯示其技術與產品的國際競爭力。近兩年其海外市場業績平均貢獻比重已大幅成長至20%以上,目前亦正積極配合海外策略合作夥伴,擴大布局延伸至包括東協與歐美在內的全球市場,打造橫向長期成長的動能。

Intumit長期深耕跨語言的自然語言處理(Natural Language Processing)與對話式人工智慧領域,擅長透過深度學習模型讓軟體平台得以有效協助企業管理各種複雜、非結構化的巨量資訊,將之融合並經訓練成為企業專屬之智能知識庫,進而開發出各種協助企業數位轉型的對話式創新服務,應用範疇從服務業的智能客服出發,延伸到各產業的行銷、採購、人事、研發、資訊管理等企業內外部協同工作領域,隨著垂直應用範疇的深化,亦將創造縱向長期成長的引擎。

Intumit公司歷年來已獲得多項國內外產品研發獎項肯定,2017年成為台灣地區唯一獲得Gartner提名入選Cool Vendors in Analytics, Greater China的廠商,凸顯了Intumit以AI技術結合巨量資料的創新服務能量,另外,Intumit自2017年起連續多年獲得Microsoft頒發Top Valuable ISV Partner獎項,並成為亞洲地區唯一受邀加入全球Microsoft AI Inner Circle的獨立軟體開發商,更彰顯了Intumit堅強的技術實力。 隨著新冠疫情影響帶動的工作型態轉變,正加速推升企業數位轉型需求的迫切性,伴隨企業雲端應用的接受度日增與5G網路布建的逐漸普及,自然語言與對話式AI的應用市場也正以迅捷的速度快速成長,Intumit作為該領域亞太地區的領先廠商,亦正隨這股數位轉型浪潮在海內外攻城掠地,未來成長潛力值得期待。